Our Weekly Blog

Trace Colour Build & Fly

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The Questions People Just Love to Ask

We've put together some Q&A's together of what people ask us which may give you a bit of insight into Go Fly Your Kite.  Email us if you have any questions. We love hearing from people.  Get in touch!    How did Go Fly Your Kite happen? Go Fly Your...

When you know your standing in a historic footprint of time

 Spring has sprung at Hillsborough Castle and Gardens, a must-visit for anyone searching for historic castles in Ireland or historic gardens in UK or Ireland .This magnificent estate, boasting meticulously maintained gardens and a rich tapestry of history, recently hosted Go Fly Your Kite's exciting Easter Kite Workshops! This wasn't...

Let the Creativity Fly, Rain or Shine

Even the sunniest summer days can take an unexpected turn, leaving you scrambling for indoor activities. But fear not! With DIY kite kits from Go Fly Your Kite you can unleash a world of creativity and fun, even if the rain patters against the window. Soaring Benefits of DIY Kite...